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Calendar of Events
Atomic Cover-up

Now Streaming Online

Film and Discussion

Streaming On Demand
Tickets: $10-$13

Rivertown Film and ArtsRock present the local premiere, with discussion, of "Atomic Cover-up," the first documentary written and directed by longtime Nyack resident Greg Mitchell. It was featured at 15 film festivals around the world in 2021 and won awards at of two them, and has been hailed by directors Alex Gibney, Rod Lurie and Alex Winter, and writers for (among others) NPR, The Atlantic, Esquire, and The Nation. The film, 52 minutes in length, was co-produced by Rivertown Film board member Suzanne Mitchell (no relation) and features Nyack resident Dennis Predovic as one of the three voice actors.

Ticket buyers will be given a link to view Atomic Cover-Up anytime between Tuesday, January 11 at 6:00 through Sunday, January 16 at 6:00 (last viewing starting at 6:00).

Ticket buyers will receive a separate link to a Zoom discussion with filmmaker Greg Mitchell and ArtsRock's Elliott Forrest on Wednesday, January 12 at 7:30 PM.

The Zoom discussion on Wednesday, January 12 at 7:30 includes filmmaker Greg Mitchell (bio below) and Atomic Cover-Up co-producer Suzanne Mitchell (depending upon her availability), moderated by ArtsRock artistic director and Peabody Award winning broadcaster Elliott Forrest.

Presented during this discussion will be the first viewing anywhere of an extract from Greg Mitchell's just-completed second film, "The First Attack Ads: Hollywood vs. Upton Sinclair." The film was edited by another local resident, Pascal Akesson and is narrated by Elliott Forrest. We will also see a trailer or clip from a Hollywood film about the atom bomb, "The Beginning or the End" (1947), the subject of Greg Mitchell's recent book "The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood-and America-Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb."

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